Ansible based installation

Install the Operating system


  1. Root User Access is required during the installation.

  2. SELinux will be disabled during the Ansible deployment and this will also require to reboot the Operating System.


Nodeum will define one user which needs ID : 1000. This ID is created automatically when the package is deployed. If a user already use these ID, you have to change their id :

$ usermod -u 1001 "username"

It is the same for group, where group ID 1000 and group ID 1001 needs to be available. If group already use these ID, you have to change their id :

$ groupmod -g 1002 "groupname"

Install & Update

To proceed with a Nodeum installation or an update, the following instructions must be performed.

An unlimited internet connection is necessary.

$ yum install wget
$ wget 
$ tar -xvzf /root/nodeum-xxx.tar.gz
$ cd v1-9xx-xx
$ ansible-playbook check_install.yml
$ ansible-playbook install.yml

Once the ansible-playbook is fully installed, and it ends up with this screen.

It is important to notice that there is no failed result

Then Nodeum is now ready to use, you can access it through your browser at this URL: http://your nodeum ip address/or via the DNS name.

If you can't access the Console through the default http port, you may have a local firewall is running. We recommend to either configuring it properly to allow access to the server through the http/https protocol.

Advanced Settings

Proxy requirement

If your network configuration requires a Proxy server to reach the internet, you need to configure the Proxy servers as follows:

$ vi /etc/environment
export http_proxy=http://xxxxx:xxxx@server.domain.local:8080
export https_proxy=http://xxxxx:xxxx@server.domain.local:8080
export ftp_proxy=http://xxxxx:xxxx@server.domain.local:8080

If the password have special characters as !,@, you need to use unicode characters in hexadecimal.

For example, if your password is :

F@o:o!B#ar$, the following export will not work

export http_proxy="http://user:F@o:o!B#ar$@server.domain.local:8080"

You need to convert the special characters in hexadecimals.

In this example :

@ becomes %40,

: becomes %3A,

and so on.

(You can use for example:

In our case, the password: F@o:o!B#ar$ is replaced by F%40o%3Ao%21B%23ar%24

The export http_proxy looks like this:

export http_proxy="http://user:F%40o%3Ao%21B%23ar%24@server.domain.local:8080"

Network Interface

Service mapping

Each services can be bind to specific network interface.

For doing that, the Ansible Installation playbook needs to be reapplied once the inventory files have been modified accordingly to the mapping you need.

In the hosts information file you can find in the extracted Nodeum installation package, you will find the following file(s) : /inventory/hosts_vars/srv1.

This file contains the different configuration and settings that will be applied to host.

There is a section to define the service binding.

By default the iface_name parameter is using the main network interface, but this information can be overwritten.

# If there is no default network interface defined or you want to override it
# iface_name: eth0

Afterward, in the same file, you can find different parameters to bind a list of services to a specific interface name.

# Specific name of interface for each services. Default to iface_name 
# or default network interface) if undefined
# smb_iface_name: eth0
# nfs_iface_name: eth0
# rails_iface_name: eth0
# zookeeper_iface_name: eth0
# solr_iface_name: eth0
# catalog_indexer_iface_name: eth0

Description of each parameter :

Last updated