Backup & Restore

Backup Feature

Consolde - How to schedule a backup ?

➔ Go into settings / backup Menu ➔ Click on the + button

➔ Click on the + button

➔ Then complete the form, here is an example:

➔ Save the form

There are two different types of backup available :


Full Backup

Backup everything every time

Incremental Backup

Backup only the difference since the last backup

Different scheduling options are available :



The schedule can be defined based on a different timezone

Defined by default, it will be current system timezone



Defined by default , there is no recurrence selected


Minute - Day - Month - Year


Expand the scope of the recurrence

Count Option

Number of backup

In case of failure of your server, reinstall Nodeum software and restore backup to continue data management activities.

Backup Feature - Manual Execution

How to execute a backup manually?

There is a command line that has to be executed for starting a manual backup or restore.

The shell script is "/opt/nodeum/tools/"

nodeum#/usr/mtc/bin/ param1 param2

The first parameter : f / full backup or i / incremental backup.

The second parameter : it is the target path where the backup will be saved or where the backup is located for a restore.

If the command line is configured to do an incremental, and there is no full already done, it will performed a full backup.

The incremental option will always increment an existing full backup. This means that the incremental backup is restorable.


$ nohup /opt/nodeum/tools/ full_backup /root/nodeum_bck_2302 &

"nohup" and "&" allow to run the backup script in daemon, there is a file named "nohup.out" ; this file contains the result of the executed command.

The full backup always overwrite the previous executed full backup, when the incremental backup handle incremental data writing in the folder.

Components Software

The Backup includes all of these components :


All databases

This includes SQL and NoSQL information: file catalog, metadata, task execution history.

S3 - Swift API Keys

Authentication Key Credentials of S3 and Swift storage provider.

Data enrichment API Keys

Authentication Key Credentials of Machine Learning provider.

Tasks execution log reports

History of each files processed per task.

Licence Key

Nodeum Encrypted License Key


How to execute a restore manually ?

There is a command line that has to be executed for restoring a backup.

$ /opt/nodeum/tools / param1 param2

param1 : r for restore

param2 : source path where the backup is located


$ nohup /opt/nodeum/tools/ restore /root/nodeum_bck_2302 &

"nohup" and "&" allow to run the backup script in daemon, there is a file named "nohup.out" ; this file contains the result of the executed command.

Point of Attention

Temporary Folder

By default, when script is running, it uses a temporary folder : /tmp/bckp/ in the main file system ; this temporary folder is used to store the backup before moved to the final location. The temporary folder can be changed in specifying another folder in the 3rd argument.

Example :

In this example, the backup will be stored in the folder …/nas/backupnodeum/ and the backup system will use as implicit temporary cache which /tmp/

/bin/bash ./ full_backup /mnt/MOUNT_POINTS/nas/backupnodeum

Another temp folder In this example, the backup will be stored in the folder …/nas/backupnodeum/ and the backup system will use as temporary cache, the directory /mnt/CACHE/tempbck.

/bin/bash ./ full_backup /mnt/MOUNT_POINTS/nas/
backupnodeum /mnt/CACHE/tempbck

Backup process doen't start

If the backup do not run and the console mentioned that there is already another script running, there are two things to review

  1. Used a "ps -aef" command to verify if there is another process already running

  2. It is possible that a lock file (nodeum_bkp_lock) is stored, this lock file is stored into the /tmp folder ; and this even if the temporary folder location has been changed.

Last updated