Advanced Task Management

Different scenarios can be achieved in using the Task Management. Here are some possible configurations which will answer what you want to achieve.

Handle multiple copies to tape

Implement workflow to get a set of tape offsite

To answer to this demand, we recommend to define the two following workflows:

  • Two tasks to perform the two copies on tape for the same dataset. The execution of two different tasks has the benefit to avoid a 'y' copy ; and perform two independent read/write operations.

  • In addition, on the of the copy can be externalized ; this bring the benefit to get an offline copy of the contents and eventually yield this copy to a third party location.

Implement specific workflow and deal with multiple tape copies

First scenario

Define two different workflows for data protection. This will ensure that the two copies are separate and that if one is damaged, the other will not be.

Specify a different "offline archive" pool for each workflow and associate tapes with each pool or let Nodeum retrieve tapes from the scratch pool.

For the 2 workflows: Select a primary storage: S3 or NAS as a source and select a tape pool as destination.

Second scenario

If your contents are in a container. You can protect your container on tapes too.

For this, you have to create a data protection workflow to copy the container data to a pool "offline archive" and associate tapes for each pool or let Nodeum get tapes from the Scratch pool.

The setting for this workflow is Select data protection from source (container) to destination (tape). Dedicate an "Offline Archive" pool for each workflow and associate a set of tapes to each pool or let Nodeum automatically retrieve tapes from the Scratch pool.

Then you define a second workflow "Data Archiving" to archive the data of your Container to an Active Archive Pool of tapes. The contents will remain accessible from the Container even if the contents are stored in a pool of tape(s).

The setting for this workflow is Select Data Archiving from Source (Container) to Destination (Tape). Dedicate a pool "active archive" for each workflow and associate for a set of tapes in each pool or let Nodeum automatically retrieve tapes from the Scratch pool.

I have all the data for a particular repository on two copies, and I want to remove one of them from the library and put it somewhere else.

Either your need is to keep the information into Nodeum to have the possibility in the future to retrieve data from this tape.

In this case, put the selected tapes out of the tape library. Nodeum understands that the tapes are out the library and Nodeum keep the information into the catalog and report.

You have always the possibility to retrieve the data from the tapes which are "out". If you schedule a retrieval operation from one of these tapes, Nodeum will also notify that tapes have to be back into the library before executing the workflow.

Either you want to forget this information. In this case you have the possibility to forget a tape. This is only possible when the tapes are out of the tape library.

You can execute this operation from the Console: Trend Analytic - Tape Reporting and Choose the tape you want Nodeum Forget, then click on the three bullets at the right and select Forget in the list. When this operation is done, the system will removes all data related to this tape from Nodeum (catalog and indexation). Of course the contents which are stored in the tapes, will stay.

Copy some data to tape and remove these tapes completely from the library and then from the Nodeum catalog

This scenario is useful if the objectif is to deliver the tape to a third party (e.g; scientist, researcher...) ; for example after the scientist, researcher... leave the facility.

To perform such kind of scenario, you have to proceed like this.

We consider that multiple similar set of tapes are available.

The original set of tapes will stay in the facility. If you have to remove all data stored in this set of tapes. You can format the tape(s) and delete the pool. And then do not forget to clean the associated workflow(s) configuration.

Then leave the second set of tapes to the third party, and proceed to forget this set of tapes as described above.

Last updated