


System -> Configuration

Cache Cleaning

System -> Configuration


System -> Configuration


System -> Configuration

(1) to be enable for troubleshooting. The generated files can overload the system disk space (be careful)


System -> Configuration

For Tape Storage

For ACSLS Server Configuration

System -> Configuration

This section is required if ACSLS Tape Library has to be used.

Complete the form to configure the ACSLS server.

Parameters description to complete:

Refer to the official ACSLS documentation and configuration for more information about those different parameters.

Storage Cost

System -> Configuration

Define the cost of each connected storage.


System -> Configuration

Define your file metadata and task metadata to apply during the workflow execution.

Different type of metadata can be configured:

  • Business Files Metadata

  • Tasks Metadata

Business Files Metadata

Add to your files Metadata to facilitate the search, to structure your data store. Create your Metadata and Apply them during a task execution.

With these metadata, you enrich your files.

To add a new Business Files Metadata:

  • complete the Name of the Metadata and comments

  • Choose a type of field : Characters, Multi Lines Characters, Checkbox or Radio Buttons.

If you select a Type CheckBox or Radio Button, you need to specify as well the values.

To add more values, press ENTER on the prior value.

Tasks Metadata

Add to your task Metadata to facilitate the search, to structure your data store. Create your Metadata and Apply them during a task execution.

With these metadata, you enrich your files.

To add a new Task Metadata

  • Complete the Name of the Metadata and comments about this Task Metadata.

  • Select the type of Task, this Metadata has to be used: Active Archive, Offline Archive, Data Exchange and/or Maintenance.

  • Choose a type of field : Characters, Multi Lines Characters, Checkbox or Radio Buttons.

Once the metadata is defined, you are ready to use it into the task creation interface.

Indexation Engine

System -> Configuration

This section allows to monitor the status of the Indexation Engine service, specially the number of operation queued and the current operations.

The synchronization of the index is done automatically every-time a file is processed by Nodeum. In addition, this interface allows to force a manual execution of the synchronization.

API Security

System -> Configuration -> API Security

The API Cross-Origin (CORS) rule can be defined in this section. API key can also be created.

Both options includes capabilities to define the origins, path, methods for the CORS part and for the API key, scope per controller can be defined in association with the desired action.

Reset Wizard

System -> Configuration -> Reset Wizard

The reset wizard is advanced feature to clean the software configuration including also the historical information such as the executed tasks.

This feature includes two steps, the first one is to define the section you are looking to clean. Once selected, an Ansible playbook will be generated. The second step is about retrieving the playbook into a SSH session and execute it with rootaccess.

Last updated