Cache Configuration

Cache is required to fulfil these two main features:

  1. Data Archiving

  2. Scan LTFS Tape


Caching system has to be a block device which is seen behind /dev/ device or any supported mounted filesystem.

Here are some examples:

  • Internal RAID on local disks

  • Internal RAID on JBOD

  • SCSI Attached Storage

  • iSCSI Attached Storage

  • Linux based block replication (e.g., DRBD, GlusterFS, …).

Configure a Cache into Nodeum

In case the disk used for the cache is not ready, you need to initialize it by executing the following commands.

First, run /opt/nodeum/bin/core/ /dev/sdx (replace sdx by the correct device, likely sdb) to create the CACHE Disk.

The second step is to select the CACHE Disk with this command:

/opt/nodeum/bin/core/ /dev/sdx (where sdx is the same device as the previous step).

Then the process will start.

Once done, the disk is configured as the cache of Nodeum.

You will see the Cache Ready to be used

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